Situated in the far north of the sub-continent, over 3500 meters (11,500 feet) up on the high plateau, Ladakh is often referred to as 'little Tibet'. Having been part of British India, it was subsequently absorbed into independent India in 1947. Ladakh's geography protected it from the ravages of the Chinese Cultural Revolution as a result of which it contains one of the most intact Tantric Buddhist societies left on earth.

With a high altitude desert dominated by rugged snow capped mountains and deep turquoise lakes it is one of the most picturesque places on earth.

Ladakh has long been on the map for backpackers, mostly staying in and around Leh, it is has not yet come on the radar of the adventurous luxury traveler. As such, Shakti Himalaya has designed a 'village house' experience that avoids the over commercialization of Leh and takes you out, off the beaten track to these untouched villages in the Indus valley.
